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Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week
October 28 - November 1

Monday Red Ribbon Week October 28 - November 1 Daily Themes Level Up, Power Up Without Drugs - Super Mario Brothers Movie Day - Wear a red shirt or dress as your favorite Super Mario Brothers character. Tuesday Feel Good Inside and Out: Choose To Be Drug Free - Inside Out Movie Day - Wear a yellow, blue, red, green, purple or orange shirt or dress as your favorite Inside Out character Wednesday Friends Stick Together To Say No To Drugs - Toy Story Movie Day - Either wear a brown or green shirt o

What is Red Ribbon Week?
Red Ribbon Week is a way for people and
communities to unite and take a stand
against drugs. We show our commitment to a
drug-free lifestyle at EES through the symbol
of the red ribbon and special activities
during this week. For more information visit:

Red Ribbon Week Pledge
Students will sign the EES Red Ribbon
Week pledge with their class! We pledge
to live a drug free life at EES!
Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free

Daily Themes

Monday: Level Up, Power Up Without Drugs - Super Mario Brothers Movie Day - Wear a red shirt or dress as your favorite Super Mario Brothers character.
Tuesday: Feel Good Inside and Out: Choose To Be Drug Free - Inside Out Movie Day -
Wear a yellow, blue, red, green, purple or orange shirt or dress as your favorite Inside Out character
Wednesday: Friends Stick Together To Say No To Drugs - Toy Story Movie Day - Either wear a brown or green shirt or dress as your favorite Toy Story Character
Thursday: Lights, Camera, Action - Live a Drug-Free Life!
Either dress as your favorite movie character or wear your favorite movie shirt. Please no scary movies.
Friday: Minions Unite for a Drug Free Life - Despicable Me Movie Day - Wear a yellow shirt or dress as a minion.

**Students may not wear masks or face paint this week. Please follow ECSD dress down guidelines when selecting outfits.**


Student Contests:
Drawing Contest - Create a picture to go
along with the theme - Life is a Movie, Film
Drug Free to enter the contest! Must submit to
your teacher by October 25th.

Essay Test - Write an essay to go along with the
theme - Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free to enter
the contest! Must submit to your teacher by
October 25th!
*Grade level winners will be selected!*


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