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Dr. MLK Jr. Theme Winners

Dr. MLK Jr. Theme Winners

Dr. MLK Jr. Poster & Essay Contest

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance Day Committee would like to invite all students to participate in the 42nd Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Observance Day Poster and Essay Contests. Students in grades 1 - 5 are invited to enter the poster contest, while students in grades 6 - 12 are invited to enter the essay contest. 
This year's chosen theme is "Beyond the Dream, Toward the Promise."
2025 Writing Prompt:
  • Writing Situation: During his lifetime, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., became an influential civil rights leader who worked with people of all ethnicities to identify discrimination, eliminate segregation, and promote equality. Through his nonviolent approach and motivational speeches, Dr. King helped to overturn America's racist laws in the 1950s and 1960s.
  • Directions for Writing: Write a persuasive essay explaining why you believe we are “Beyond the Dream and moving Toward the Promise.” Include three specific reasons and make sure you offer supporting details, evidence, facts, anecdotes (brief stories), etc. for your reasons, and relate your reasons to the ideals and philosophies of Dr. King.
The deadline for the poster and essay contests has been extended to Tuesday, December 31, 2024. However, entries may be submitted before the holidays.

All entries may be submitted to your school, sent via interoffice mail to Dr. Sandra Nethels, or mailed to Dr. MLK, Jr. Education Committee, P.O. Box 26, Guyton, GA 31312. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. If additional information is needed, please call Mrs. Nellar Lonon at (912) 661–0107 or Ms. Rosetta Gordon at (912) 772-3061.

Awards will be presented to all contest winners during the Noonday (noon) program on Monday, January 20, 2025. Winners are encouraged to attend this service and participate in the parade.
For more information, refer to the invitation and procedures below: 

 2025 Theme Contest Winners and Participants:

  • 1st Place -  "Beyond the Dream, Toward the Promise"
    • Trevon Ivey, 9th Grade, Effingham College & Career Academy
  • 2nd Place -  "Marching Forward: Embracing Dr. King's Vision - United for a Common Goal"
    • Landon Kessel, 7th Grade, Ebenezer Middle School
  • 3rd Place -  "Using Dr. King's Legacy as the Cornerstone for Our Future!"
    • Charity Garvin, 8th Grade, Effingham County Middle School
  • Honorable Mention -  "Filled with Hope and Passion - NOW is the time for Action"
    • Torian Collier, 7th Grade, Ebenezer Middle School

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