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Work-Based Learning

What is WBL?

Work-Based Learning (WBL) is a term for activities which link employers and schools to provide special learning experiences for students. These experiences focus on developing broad skills that apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to the real world. These work experiences can be paid or unpaid. Work-Based Learning helps students find their career interests and pathways. WBL seeks to help students find their passion and gives them the tools to pursue it. 

WBL Components: Student's Career Goals, Related Coursework, Work Experience

WBL combines your student's classwork preparation, career interests, and authentic on-the-job training to better prepare them for the future. 

Why WBL?

It is a changing world. Effingham County's Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeship Program offers students an opportunity to gain skills in a workplace setting to enhance the student's academic and future career goals. This valuable experience will better prepare students as they move directly into the workplace or continue their education at the post-secondary level. 

Employers aid the student's education by assessing job performance, creating relevant work experiences, and developing occupational skill standards specific to business and industry. No matter a student's plans for the future, the Effingham County Work-Based Learning Program offers real-world experience that will benefit students.

The Mission of WBL

The mission of the Work-Based Learning Program is to assist in providing a highly trained, technologically sophisticated and career oriented young workforce. This is accomplished by developing partnerships between business, industry, students, parents, school systems, coordinators, and post-secondary institutions. WBL seeks to provide assistance in the articulation of programs of study between high schools and post-secondary institutions. WBL creates a system that is industry driven where employers help set occupational skills standards, collaborate on curriculum, provide work experience and workplace mentors for students, and certify mastery of skills leading to the award of a skill certificate.

In my WBL job experience, I am learning trade skills that will help me in the future with experiences. It has helped me understand what I am truly interested in and has helped me further develop a passion for my future career. I can use the skills and experience from WBL to build my resume and apply to higher positions in the future. Other students should join WBL to get a head start in their future careers.
-Alayna Arthur, SEHS WBL Student
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