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Target Career:

  • Translators/Interpreters
  • Secondary Modern Language Teacher
  • Health & Medical Interpreters and Translators
  • Law & Judiciary Interpreters and Translators
  • Film Industry Interpreters and Translators
  • Sign Language Interpreters
  • Literary Translators

Pathway Description:

modern foreign language, decorative image, the word goodbye in various languages

Interpreters and translators convert information from one language to another. Interpreters work in spoken or sign language, and translators in written language. Interpreters work in settings such as schools, hospitals, courtrooms, and conference centers. Many translators work from home. Both interpreters and translators who are self-employed frequently have variable schedules. Although interpreters and translators typically need a bachelor’s degree, the most important requirement is that they be fluent in English and at least one other language. Nationally, Interpreters and Translators are considered to have a “bright outlook” because jobs will grow rapidly in the next several years. Employment growth will be driven by broadening international ties and by large increases in the number of non-English-speaking people in the United States. Job opportunities should be best for those who have professional certification. Proficiency in a World Language adds a competitive advantage in all career fields. Employees who possess the ability to communicate effectively with global partners are considered vital to all businesses currently doing business abroad or who with to expand internationally. It should be noted that world language proficiency at the advanced level can increase an employee’s salary by 20% or more. Specific occupations might include interpreters and translators in the health and medical field, the legal field, judiciary field, entertainment and film field, literary translators, sign language interpreters, guide or escort interpreters;, and conference interpreters.

Georgia Course Standards:

  • French I
  • French II
  • French III
  • AP French

Locations Taught in the Effingham County School District:

  • Effingham County High School
  • Effingham College & Career Academy
  • South Effingham High School