Target Career:
- Art, Drama, & Music Teachers, Postsecondary
- Agents & Business Managers
- Actors
- Entertainers and Performers
- Music Directors
- Make-up Artists
- Costume Designers
- Musicians & Singers
- Producers
- Singers
Pathway Description:
Theatre is a collaborative effort coupled with individual achievement. A single performance may bring together multiple people from make-up artists and lighting techs, to publishers and directors. It can be challenging but is always exciting. It is an intense field of work filled with many talented people usually bidding for the same job. Major areas of specialization include acting, directing, theatre history and criticism, playwriting, design, theatre technology, theatre studies (education), and creative drama. More specific occupations include Actors, Agents, Costume Designers, Set Designers, Stage Managers, Drama Therapist, Newscasters, Playwrights, Teachers and Writers. Secondary students who select this field of study should consider taking additional courses in career-related pathways like Audio & Video Technology & Film aligned with the career cluster Arts, A/V Technology and Communications. Currently in Georgia there is a great demand for postsecondary teachers in art, drama and music. Secondary students who may want to become a Theatre Educator should consider additional courses in the pathway Teaching as a Profession in the Education & Training career cluster. Students interested in becoming talent agents should consider coursework in the Marketing & Management pathway. Actors express ideas and portray characters in theater, film, television and other performing arts media. They also work at theme parks or for other live events like Six Flags Over Georgia. Long-term training is common for actors and many have a bachelor’s degree. Work in the theatre arts usually involves moving from one short-term job to another or working for a series of employers rather than only one employer. The levels of education range from some college to an advanced degree. The job outlook for the industry is difficult to determine. However, the Georgia film and entertainment industry is growing by leaps and bounds. Therefore, workers with acting talent and backstage experience may find the Georgia market very positive for employment.
Georgia Course Standards:
- Technical Theater (Backstage)
- Theater Arts/Musical Theater I, II, III, IV
Locations Taught in the Effingham County School District:
- Effingham County High School
- South Effingham High School